Sally Potter


In this chat, we get to meet the fantastic, storied filmmaker Sally Potter. The writer-director of such acclaimed and varied films such as Orlando and Ginger & Rosa, Sally is actually just now releasing her debut full-length album (!) which is called Pink Bikini. In this conversation, Sally and I talk a lot about the new record - its themes, its songs, its lyrics, its music, some of her influences and inspirations - as well as what drove her to recording and releasing such a personal singer-songwriter album now, after such a robust career in cinema. We talk about her film work (especially the Tilda Swinton-starring, Virginia Woolf adaptation Orlando), how her filmmaking overlaps with her music making, and so much more. It was a humbling honor to talk to a cinema great, and her new album is such a delightfully wondrous surprise. I think you'll enjoy this as much as I did. Thank you for listening.

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