Sally Potter

Sally Potter at the Cambridge Film Festival

Orlando, this luscious classic turns 30 this year and it is more resplendent than ever. Tilda Swinton takes us on a journey through Elizabethan England, in time, through gender, starting as the young Nobleman Orlando to then one morning wake up a woman. Sally Potter bases her most acclaimed film on Virginia Woolf’s eponymous novel and the final product dazzles with its affective visual style and simmering meditation on death. Lady or Gentleman, Orlando remains a queer staple that will bring literary lovers, Swinton stans, and cinephiles together around the fire. A spectacle, a joy, a profound piece of cine-philosophy.

Sally Potter also considered Michael Powell a dear friend. She has shared how Powell and Pressburger’s work has influenced and reflected her own perspectives on identity and history and wrote a dedication to Michael at the end of Orlando.

We are thrilled to welcome director Sally Potter for a Q&A with the audience after the film.

Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, the film will no longer be shown with English subtitles, but there will still be  BSL interpretation provided for the film introduction and the post-screening Q&A

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