One of the earliest events to combine dance on film projected in juxtaposition with live performances by the same dancer...
London, 1962. Two teenage girls - Ginger and Rosa - are inseparable; they play truant together, discuss religion, politi...
8mm footage of dancers each performing a single movement was projected onto a ground glass screen and refilmed on 16mm t...
From an idea by Renny Bartlett and Sian Thomas, I AM AN OX, I AM A HORSE, I AM A MAN, I AM A WOMAN is a documentary feat...
Film shot one frame at a time, of three faces, including a brother and sister, which merge to become one, followed by a ...
Spy spoof revolving around the unlikely alliance of three eccentric characters and their mission to uncover government f...
Rehearsals for a fundraising gala become the arena for a struggle between two men; one, the gala director and the other,...
ORLANDO is a story of the quest for love, and it is also an ironic dance through English history. Addressing contemporar...
Double screen film of six children playing on the street below (three sets of twins). Filmed through two adjacent camera...
[removed][removed] Michelangelo, an unseen schoolboy armed only with a mobile phone, goes behind the scenes at a New Yor...